=============================================== Short: VirusZ II v1.43, By G.Hoermann Author: Georg Hoermann Version: 1.43 (28.02 1998) =============================================== First thing to mention is that VirusZ can be used as background program that checks memory and inserted disks for viruses. For this topic as for every other specific or global function, VirusZ offers a quite huge amount of user-definable settings to configure it as you like best. Then you have the possibility to start different check mechanisms for files, sectors, vectors and bootblocks. This is what you usually do whenever you received new software from friends, PD-disks or from a BBS. Finally, parts of VirusZ can be controlled via ARexx and thus enables the user to interact with it from programs like e.g. DirectoryOpus. For the latest viruskillers, please try aminet or VHT homepage at : http://home4.inet.tele.dk/vht-dk/ ( links to all the latest antivirusprograms for Amiga, PC and Mac.)